What happens when it feels like 100 plus degrees outside? Work continues, but nothing happens without a lot of sweat; however, a hose pipe spewing cold water feels really good when you put it at the back of your neck… well until it gets to your socks and your feet are squishing around in your shoes for the next few hours.
Half Full – Half Empty – that is what the month has been about.
Half Empty – your phone dies and your car battery dies in the same week. You lose all of your photos of the last month’s progress, (plus all of the photos of your amazing granddaughters, your trips, your wildflower garden progress, your foodie stuff, and everything else you had chosen to snap a photo of for the last 18 months)! This equals not many pics for this post

Half Full – we have FINISHED putting the heavy-a$$ cement board on ALL of the exterior sides of the house!!! We have finished putting the battens on one half of the house – AND – we have a front door!

Half Full – the wildflower garden is really going great! I have all kinds of sunflowers, zinnias, poppies, daisies, and more! I love being able to have fresh cut flowers in my kitchen window.
Half Empty – the grass grows so fast when it rains and every time I mow I get a rash on my legs that nearly requires medical attention.

Half Empty – there are no more half empty stories – LUCKY ME.
Some of the other highlights for the month include:
Finalizing kitchen cabinet layout and ordering the cabinets
Ordering bathroom and kitchen faucets and fixtures
Selecting tile for the bathroom
Putting up blocking for the kitchen cabinets
Running the electrical for all of the lighting and outlets
Purchasing the lighting fixtures
The workshop is getting pretty full will all of the goodies we (I) have picked out. I cannot wait for the installations to begin! Until they do, I just keep dreaming with my story boards.
All Full – Last night after we had showered and settled in to watch the news, the rains came… we looked at each other and said, let’s go over to the house to check for leaks in the roof… Thankfully, there were no leaks. So we just sat on the workbench to simply look around and reflect on how we had spent the last 11 months of our lives – together… learning, building, sweating, creating… it does not get any more full than that!