Here is where we are at the end of today!

Isn’t that stone foundation just the BOMB?
We’ve added a roof – square cedar columns for the back porch roof & rail, “tar” felt on the bottom exterior sheathing, and started the second row of sheathing using the “Zip system,” (it means we won’t have the extra step of coating the exterior with Tyvek or something similar because it is built into the 4 foot by 8 foot sheets (coated in green).
Some terminology, (because I had to keep asking Mr. Architect / Construction Foreman / Sweet-Patient Hubby).

Rafters: the boards that are angled from the ridge board to the top plate of the walls.
Roof joists: the horizontal boards going across the house perpendicular to the ridge board that host the rafter tails.

Bird’s mouth cut: the special v-shaped (also special angled cut) that allows the rafter to sit on the top plate. The bird’s mouth cut is mostly covered up by my amazing hurricane clips (300+ nails driven by hand = sore forearm).
The roof rafters were a challenge – second to getting the ridge board straight and level. The most challenging part, of course, was trying to stand and balance on top of the roof joists while lifting and bracing to make everything “plumb and level.” (Plumb & Level seems to be really ReAlLy REALLY IMPORTANT!)
We had several rain days this week, (thanks Harvey), but nonetheless, we “topped” out the roof

We installed the posts on the back deck for the rail.

And we put on the tar felt and zip-system sheathing (pic at the top). It’s been a great week – but EVERY week is a great week when Hubby and I are out at the site – working together.
My father-in-law was out today, and he said we worked together like a surgeon and a nurse – I’m pretty sure it was a compliment to both of us.
BONUS TIME Just to keep this blog interesting – since it is about more than our Tiny House Project, I’ve got a personal side challenge going – 30 paintings in 30 days – my theme is rural Tennessee churches, the first 5 are below, but you can follow me on Instagram to see my daily posts for the rest of the month – click here
Old Trinity Episcopal – Mason, TN

Unknown Church – Adams, TN

Cobb’s Chapel – Santa Fe, TN

Headricks Chapel -Wears Valley, TN

Abandoned Church – Adams, TN
