Well, well, well – it’s been really sunny AND really hot! But sunny days make awesome work days on the tiny house front. We’ve made A LOT of progress, (for us) in the last month! As in, you can see where the walls go, and that there’s going to be a roof!

We were so proud – we had squared a not-so-square foundation and we had leveled a not-so-level foundation. So we were “good to go!”
The most recent “lumber package” as hubby so fondly calls them, came this week. I think he only orders lumber in “packages” so the cost is at a level he can swallow, and the visual is a level I can fathom.
We built the walls in sections of approximately 9 feet high by 10-12 feet wide. We used 2 x 6 studs and we placed them 16 inches on center, for all of you building techies.

As of today – we have all of the walls in place, interior and exterior. We have the temporary supports in place (and level, of course) for the ridge beam (roof). The stone columns in front are for a covered porch that wraps around to the front door (where the step ladder is on the right). There is an equally cool set of even taller stone piers on the back side for a similar covered porch and awesome view.

In the meantime, I made PICKLES! First time growing the cukes & actually canning ANYTHING!

Life is good in Santa Fe (TN) and I couldn’t be a luckier girl than to have this awesome builder/boss for a husband!